Candle Maintenance

    • The first burn is the most important burn of your new candle. Allow the candle to burn long enough to where a complete melt pool is achieved. (edge to edge wax melt)

    • Trim your wick before EVERY new burn. (snip off the built up burned tip of the wick) This will allow for a more controlled flame and even fragrance throw.

    • Do not burn any P. Alexander candles for no more than 3 hours. This allows time for the vessel to cool off, it helps prevent shattering of the glass.

    • Always keep your candle out of the reach of pets and children. Remember to keep candles on safe sturdy surfaces.

    • All P. Aleaxnder vessels are reusable and recyclable.

    • To reuse the vessel you can place it in the freezer until frozen and the wax will pop right out, you can also use a butter knife to scrape the wax and wick out as well. Wash the vessel with warm water and dish soap.

All of our candles are created with 100% soy wax

All of our vessels are created with 100% natural soy wax, leaving you to enjoy a clean, fragrant, non toxic burning candle.